James Koroni directed and choreographed a brand video for Plevé Diamonds.
Honest by Bruno Pieters
Honest by Bruno Pieters
Honest by Bruno Pieters, James Koroni
Photography by Joshua Katcher Text by Bruno Pieters
Honest by Bruno Pieters, James Koroni
BP: I LOVE THE IMAGES OF YOU DANCING IN THE STREETS OF NEW YORK. WHAT WAS THE INSPIRATION BEHIND THE DANCE AND PHOTOGRAPHS? JK: thank you! my inspiration for this piece is the city itself. I rarely find myself alone in New York City and it can be overwhelming at times but most often it is a source of inspiration. In the video, you’ll notice, while I am dancing in the street, a rush of traffic, a man waiting in stillness and while dancing I could hear three teenagers cheering me on across the street. By being present and paying attention to my surroundings I am fuelled creatively and in return can offer something unique because it is reflective of my surroundings. I suppose then what I am trying to express is the creative symbiotic relationship that I have with my environment, which is why I am so sensitive to and concerned with its well being.
Read the rest of the interview HERE!
Honest by Bruno Pieters, James Koroni
Be The One, James Koroni
Be The One
I’ll never see what you wanted… love The earth created life for unknown reasons but life is positive and the only known reason is “love.”
I was the hell that you needed… oh Our existing assumptions for life lead to the planets very downfall. We exploit natural resources and deplete the planet of what life bearing properties it had.
I was the one when you needed love I was the one when you needed love Finally the earth speaks up but not to destroy us. The earth repeatedly sends signs that only conscientious love & compassion for the earth will sustain life. A cycle of outcries in the form of natural disasters, war, famine & global warming communicates that we will return to our “mother” whether it be through tender love or instant death. We are dependent and yet, ignorant of our downfall. We need to re-identify with our “creator” or our life support and respect it’s wishes before we fulfill our own. Either way will sacrifice something. What’s worth more, Strife or Life?
Arrest Yourself, James Koroni
Arrest Yourself
I find the statement “Ignorance is Bliss!,” as the downfall of society. We turn our heads at uncomfortable information because once understood we might need to make changes in our lives that are outside of our comfort zones. Our comfort zone is only concerned with our personal well being and this is where hope is lost. Selfish acts are blind to suffering
‘Arrest Yourself’ was created to inspire individuals to seek answers and make change. Make your comfort zone bigger and offer compassion to those beyond yourself. It’s not a question of faith. It’s a question of reality. Where does this come from and who did it affect prior to arriving before me.
Arrest Yourself August 2010 Choreographer, James Koroni
Capitale Sex Appeal
Capitale - Sex Appeal
James Koroni performed in Capitale ‘Sex Appeal’, by creative director James Manzello at the Tubie Awards.
Lemon Meringue
James Koroni, danced and portrayed the role of Teenage Rich in the Off-Off Broadway production of Lemon Meringue. Here he shares his feelings surrounding the plays social issue of childhood sexual abuse. This incredibly important performance about Rich Ryan from Long Island depicts one mans struggles to overcome the devastating effects of childhood sexual abuse. How do you feel Lemon Meringue will help others who are suffering from childhood sexual abuse?
Lemon Meringue offers victims a glimpse into the story of recovery. The predators only evil power is secrecy, which leaves a feeling of shame in their victims. Lemon Meringue breaks the silence. It makes childhood sexual abuse a topic that isn’t so taboo and helps our community explore ways to make victims comfortable with sharing their secret. Then when they need us, we will be ready to nurture them through recovery.
What part of the rehearsal process did you derive inspiration from to tackle this sensitive topic?
Teenage Rich, was a bridge between the adult and the inner child. One rehearsal with the Director, Terri Muuss, was exceptionally powerful because I was able to reintroduce them on stage. Both Adult and Young Rich felt closer to Teenage Rich than one another. I was there as a confidant and emotional support in that scene when they finally met one another. Metaphorically, I want to be available to play this role for friends or family that may have gone through this in their own lives but this time help them bridge the gap between the victim and the survivor.
What did you learn from your experiences that you would like to share with others?
I learned that sexual predators may not be the stranger in the park but is more often the person who takes your child to the park. This doesn’t mean you need to fear every caretaker in their life. There are ways to protect your children from predators. Teach them to trust their instincts, help them understand what is a good secret and what is a bad secret and don’t feel bad about what inquiries you may have. You know your child more than anyone else.
I’d like to thank Terri Muuss, Rich Ryan, Athena Reich, Rhett Hackett and Keith Smith for sharing their stories with me and helping me be a better tool in liberating other victims. I love you all dearly and look forward to working with you again in the future!
For info visit, www.lemonmeringue.org.
Please Dont Touch, James Koroni
Please Don't Touch
‘Please, Don’t Touch,’ depicts the unfortunate lives of animals caught up in the skin trade. With this performance piece we become a voice for the voiceless and tell their story. ‘Please, Don’t Touch’ focuses energy on a topic that sits at the intersection of social justice, ecology and design. Our ultimate goal is to to become effective conduits for empathy and creative tools for change. Through the use of live performance, transmedia and personal interaction, this project will impact the heavily guarded perceptions of fur iconography by shedding light on what isn’t revealed behind the glitz and glamor.