Love In A Tub! is a Restoration comedy turned rock musical/rock concert about/performed by The Fyddlers, a band of Elizabethan english-speaking fools who accompany their own farcical misadventures with love…in a tub…in spandex.
Written by James Manzello and Oliver Wason Featuring ruthlessly stolen excerpts from a Restoration play by Sir George Etherege Directed & Composed by James Manzello Co-Directed by Joel Bassin
Featuring: Alexander Kikis as Colonel Bruce Chris Gizzi as Himself Dan Blondell as Dufoy Fufoy Drew Mendoza as Grandma Bevill Emily Kron as Graciana Bevill Hunter Cain as Aurelia Bevill James Koroni as The Coachman/Ensemble James Manzello as Lord Genesis Beaufort Jimmy Joe McGurl as Sir Frederick Frollick Joshua R. Pyne as Lovis Bevill Marisa Parry as Ensemble Morgan Scott as Ensemble and Charlize Theron* (* = Not actually in the cast) ~ Chief Production Designer - Oliver Wason Costume Designer - Lui Konno Production Stage Manager - Louise Hollander Sound Engineer - Fabio Blazina